Monday, April 21, 2014

Old Detroit Falls...

And so will you. Boddicker--False Flag...

You want violence. You need violence. You sustain your shit-stained existence on indignity and conflict. Your life is the pursuit and actualization of criminal intent and endeavoring. Your psyche is eroded by a crumbling civilization and a social disconnect that leads to a lawless reality of self awareness. The streets and back alleys are your home. You are the rusted blade in the side of a society of normals and squares--all sheep. Their rules are your toilet paper. Their laws are meant to fall in a hail of bullets, and you're the leading edge of the impending firestorm. You grind and shift effortlessly in your attempts at subjugating the status quo. Everything is a weapon. Every loose brick or rock is hurtled towards the nearest target. Every cocktail is Molotov. Your knuckles are a cycle of healing scabs as they become your personal wrecking balls. Smashed faces and collapsed chests are they're primary goals. You feed on the carnage. Your targets will fall. Flesh is weak, and your amorality is of the highest value. The down beat of your steps signals the arrival of death's accomplice. Run for the hills, crash the borders; it will not save the false or your intended targets. You are a war party of destruction and disaster, willingly taking and pillaging whatever you desire. Raise the False Flag, and set your senses and enemies aflame.

Boddicker will be on tour this June. Their next show in Indianapolis is 6-12-2014 with Eyehategod at Birdy's.

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